Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 191, July 8

Yesterday my husband, Larry, taught a lesson in Sunday School about the Word of Wisdom.  (For those of you who are not Mormon, the Word of Wisdom is a health code given by the Lord to the people.)  Among other things, the Word of Wisdom counsels us against smoking, drinking, excesses of all kinds.

At the time it was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, in the 1830s, the dangers of smoking and alcohol were not known.  Smoking and drinking were common practices, accepted by members of the Church and others.  Only much later, in the 20th century, did we learn of the dangers of using tobacco and alcohol.  It is a testament of the Lord's love for His people (of all faiths) that He warned against these practices.

So, for today (and for every day), I am grateful for the Lord's counsel.

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