Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69, March 10

I was not blessed with a sense of direction. I've been known to go the wrong way down a one way street. My lack of direction follows me whether I am indoors or outdoors. I've gotten lost inside a hotel and even in our own church building. The only time my internal GPS kicks in is when I'm on the hunt for a garage sale.

It should come as no surprise then when I confess that I've made some wrong turns in my personal life as well. Selfishness and pettiness, hurt feelings and pride, envy and jealousy, all have led me astray.

When I feel myself turning down a wrong path, I try to pull back, to ask why am I going in this direction when I know it can only lead to pain, to suffering. Sometimes I pull back in time; sometimes, I don't.

Fortunately, the Father, in His infinite wisdom, has given me, indeed, has given all of us, a way to correct our settings when we veer off course. Through repentance. When the Spirit reaches into my heart, when it penetrates the thick layer of stubborn pride and self-righteousness, and allows me to see that I've taken a wrong turn, I fall to my knees in humble prayer.

Somedays I wonder why the Lord bothers with me at all, and everyday, I am thankful that He does.

So, for today, I am grateful when my feet ... and my heart ... are headed in the right direction.

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