Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26, January 26

As I've mentioned before, I am a writer. You will have never heard of me unless you know me personally. That is not modesty, only simple truth. You may recall the television show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." A show featuring me could rightly be called "Lifestyles of the Poor and Obscure."

Rejection is a way of life for many writers. A writer quickly develops a thick skin or gets out of the business. On one day, not too long ago, I received eleven rejections. The following day, I received seven. I tried to see that as progress.

Rejections used to come through the mail. Writers send in SASEs (self-addressed stamped envelopes) with each submission so that the editor can more easily reject them. My young daughter once asked me, "Mom, why do you send yourself letters?" I explained that writers are weird. She accepted that with a wise nod.

Now, rejections arrive via email. Again, I try to see that as progress.

Most of us have experienced rejection at some point in our lives. A scholarship not won. A job you thought you were perfect for that didn't come through. A raise in salary not given. We weather these because we have no choice and move on.

There is another One who also experienced rejection. He was rejected by His own people. Eventually, they crucified Him. However, Christ's love for His people never wavered.

With more than a tad of self-righteousness, I thought to myself, "I have never rejected the Lord." Then, in a moment of brutal self-honesty, I realize that I have rejected Him.

Every time I am less than kind to someone else, I reject Him. Every time I fail to obey a commandment, I reject Him. I resolve to do better, then find myself slipping into old behavior. I try again, knowing He will accept my humble and inadequate efforts.

So, for today, I am grateful for the Lord, Who, despite my weaknnesses, has never rejected me.

1 comment:

  1. You hit a real nerve with me. Yes, I've also rejected our Savior with my less than charitable actions toward my fellow man. Thanks for the wake-up call.
