Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4, January 4

It is now ten days past Christmas. During the previous month, I overindulged, as I always do, on honeyed ham and mashed potatoes, cheese platters and crackers, cookies and candies. In short, I ate too much.

The results are not pleasant: An out-of-shape body that refuses to get back into shape. No control top panty hose are going to help this particular problem. (And while we're on the subject of panty hose, how many of you have ever tried to fit in one-size-fits-all hose? Need I say more?)

So why am I grateful for my mis-shapen body?

Because, no matter how out of shape it is, I still have the strength to do what God intended it to do. I can still hold a grandchild, still comfort a grieving friend, still walk and enjoy the beautiful world our Father created.

This brings me, once more, to appearances vs. substance. In my case there is definitely too much substance, but let's move on from that unpleasant subject. Our culture continues to value the outward shell more than the inner spirit. Have you noticed the proliferation of makeover shows on television? Each one says, "You are not good enough as you are. You must be better. You must look better. You must conform to an artificial standard set by Hollywood stars, socialites, and other celebrities."

Do I really want to "Keep Up with the Kardashians?" In truth, I don't know who they are. Nor do I care.

I'm more interested in keeping up with my family. My friends. My God.

And so, for today, I am grateful for my body, out-of-shape though it is.


  1. First of all Jane, I haven't purchased or worn pantyhose for at least 15 years, there was just too too much jumping and contorting of the body for that - they are also expensive, so I buy self tanner lotion (I think I buy into the 2nd part of your dialog about appearance - tan fat looks better that white fat)
    As always you've expressed yourself perfectly and you are so right in the inward and outward appearance - the way the world looks at us vs. the way God looks at us. We need to open our celestial eyes and be kinder in thought about ourselves and others. I love you and your blog!!

  2. A question:
    With 7 kids, I do my best each day to keep up with them, often feeling like the proverbial headless chicken. With all that running around, why am I still out of shape?!?!
    But you're right. I have been granted strength to meet each day, and the strength to petition for help when my strength runs low. I suppose I'm in pretty good "shape" after all. Thanks for the reminder!
