Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 184, July 1

Last weekend, I saw a garage sale sign.  Naturally, my car automatically turned in that direction.  To my (and my car's) delight, more signs led the way to the sale, saving me from having to drive around looking for the address in an unfamiliar neighborhood. 

I love signs to garage sales.  They save time, effort, gas, and frustration.

The experience set me to thinking about a different kind of sign.  Heavenly Father has given us signs on to how to return to Him.  What are these signs?  Scriptures.  Counsel from parents and teachers.  Counsel from the Prophet and other leaders.  The Holy Spirit.  Our own consciences.  If we fear we are headed in the wrong direction, we have only to look for these signs.  They will lead us in the right direction.

So, for today, I am grateful for signs, both for garage sales and for returning to the Father.


  1. You are so correct. I used to go with a gal named Joan Schofield. She was all about "good signage" she would say......I don't want to go buy anything from people not smart enough to put up good signs......Ha......

  2. Yes, signs, in all aspects of our lives can save us trouble and frustration -- but only if we are watching for them and follow them.
