Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 245, September 2

One of my favorite Disney songs is "When You Wish Upon a Star." (Yes, at my advanced age, I love Disney songs.) I love the hope and dreams that this particular song conjures up. I love the idea that we can make things better than they are.
I've written in earlier posts about dreams. Most of us have them. If you don't, you should. Dreams spur us to think better, to do better, to be better. For dreamers, quiet times are a necessity. It is during those times that we shed our practical selves and allow our flights of fancy to soar.
Life, with all its demands and duties, tends to ground us in tasks such as making a living, balancing the checkbook, doing the laundry, and a host of other things. Dreams can and do get lost. So busy are we that we scarcely notice their departure. What a shame that is.
Do you recall your childhood when you were invincible, when nothing was beyond your grasp, when the world beckoned with infinite possibilities? You can recapture those feelings when you give yourself up to the magic of dreams.
So, for today, I am grateful for dreams.

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