Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 238, September 5

Last week, I attended a baby shower held at the home of a good friend.  This friend is always elegantly dressed, always graciously welcoming.  Her home was beautifully decorated, tastefully appointed, and meticulously kept.  I had a vague feeling of dissatisfaction with myself, with my house, with my life.

Why, I asked myself, can't I be as elegant and gracious as my friend?  Why can't my home be as exquisite as hers?

And then I remembered my blog about porcupines.  I'm a porcupine.  I'm not elegant and gracious as is my friend.  Nor is my home beautifully decorated, tastefully appointed, and meticulously kept.  It is casually decorated, casually appointed, and, I'm afraid, casually kept.  In other words, it reflects Larry and me.

Joy for today:  being a porcupine.


  1. No matter how many times you blog about this, I'm still having trouble picturing you as a porcupine. You're not prickly!

  2. I think your home is decorated beautifully. I think many times I wish I could decorate like Jane!
