Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 263, September 20

Those who planted gardens are now harvesting those same gardens, bringing in ruby red tomatoes, succulent peppers, sweet melons, and other delights. Sometimes a friend will share some of their bounty with me, and I savor the tenderness of a just-picked tomato.
Isn't this the same with all the gifts the Father has bestowed upon us? Those who have one gift share with those who don't possess that particular one. Those who have another gift share it with someone else. And on it goes.
In my circle of friends are many talented women, or sisters. (In our church, we refer to each other as sister.) One is a beautiful seamstress. When our daughter married some years ago, this sister helped alter her wedding dress to fit her perfectly. Another is a talented musician. She blesses my life and that of others with her exquisite flute and organ playing. Yet another friend has a gift for humor, making me laugh whenever I am with her. I could go on, but you get the picture.
When we share garden tomatoes or a talent (and isn't growing a garden another kind of talent?), we enrich the lives of others. When we pray for others, we bless their lives. When we do a kindness, we bless not only the recipient's life but our own and, most importantly, please the Father.
So, for today, I am grateful for those friends who bless my life with their gifts.


  1. I will always be so grateful to Suzanne for making such a beautiful wedding dress. She really outdid herself.

  2. Thanks for the reminder that gifts and talents take many forms, some of them less recognized than others.
