Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 158, June 5

"When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it."

I found this nugget in a page of quotes a friend sent me.  (Do you get the feeling that my friends know I love inspiring quotes?)

As I read and re-read this line, I thought back to my (many) mistakes and shuddered at just how many there were.  Then I started thinking of something good that came from a mistake.  One such thing started with a rejection letter on a book manuscript I'd sent to a publisher who had bought from me earlier.  The rejection hurt.  (They all do.)

With distance and time, I recognize that the manuscript was not particularly good.  It was riddled with poor writing, inconsistent timing, and cliches.  I put it away.  A year later, I dragged it out and looked at it with fresh eyes.  Was there anything worth saving in it?

WIth all those mistakes, could I salvage anything from it? 

A NY publisher had advertised that it was looking for manuscripts for a new line.  I decided to revise my rejected story, cut it to the desired length, and sent it in.  Unbelievably, it was accepted.  I was delighted.  From the ashes of all those mistakes, I had sold to a publisher I had long desired to sell to.  

So, for today, I am grateful for those times when I learn from my mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. That's a neat story about your book. And yes, isn't it neat when we can learn from our mistakes.
