Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 80, March 21

A writer-friend sent the following to me, written by another writer, Karen Ball.  It continues with yesterday's theme about persistence.

Ms. Ball starts with a story of a woman who pulled her aside after church and told her that her son was having financial problems and had decided to write a book to make some "quick money"  and wondered if she had any advice for him.  Those of us who have chosen writing as a vocation understand the absurdity of this.  Ms. Ball advised the woman that she had no advice for her son but had some counsel for the woman herself:  "Don't ever ask me that again."

She went on to say that two gems are necessary for success in writing and in most fields.  For those who are growing weary, who feel it’s taking too long, who wonder why they ever jumped into this pool to begin with, they need to cultivate these two gems.  What are they?  Patience and persistence.

Over the next week, we're going to look at some well-known people who possessed both of these gems. 

Joy for today:  holding onto patience and persistence.

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