Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 3, January 7

Scripture states, Wickedness never was happiness.

I have a confession to make: sometimes I have a hard time accepting this, when, in my more shallow moments, I watch clips of media stars who seem to be living the good life. They parade their less-than-moral lifestyles with pride, even arrogance.

If wickedness never were happiness, I ponder, why are these individuals so blessed with beauty, riches,, and talent? They appear to have everything, at least everything the world tells us is important. I'm not proud of the envy that besets me, as I wish for some of those things for myself. Surely my life would be better if I were beautiful, rich, and talented. Surely all my wishes would be granted if I had at least one of those things.

Then, my more mature self kicks in and I remember that those outward trappings don't guarantee happiness, and I reflect upon true blessings: a husband who loves me, children and grandchildren, devoted friends, and a belief in the Lord.

This I know for sure: wickedness never was happiness.

1 comment:

  1. And your blessings make you richer than any of those so-called beautiful people.
