Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 136, May 14

A few days ago I wrote about an answered prayer.   It seemed that Heavenly Father wasn't ready for me to be finished with that subject because He put an article on prayer in front of me (or, at least, so it seemed) that begged to be included in another post.

The author of the article differentiated between sincere prayer and those offered in vain.  He quoted Shakespeare's Hamlet, where Claudius, King of Denmark, kneels in prayer to seek forgiveness.  Upon rising, he knows that his entire prayer has been one of useless words:

My words fly up,
my thoughts remain below:
Word without thoughts
never to heaven go."

I wonder how many of my prayers have been as that of Claudius, "... never to heaven go."  Too many, I fear.  My prayers are frequently said by rote, and I cringe at the Father's  probable reaction to them.  Only when I pour out my heart and beg for His wisdom and strength do my prayers begin to find their way to Him.

So, for today, I am grateful for prayers that come from the heart.

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