Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 138, May 16

A few days ago I wrote about my husband's and my experience of renewing our drivers' licenses.  I realize I neglected to share another incident that occurred during that time.

Upon entering the licensing bureau, patrons take a number.  A number of people were already in line and we resigned ourselves to a long wait. An elderly couple entered some time after had.  They explained to us that someone had stolen the wife's purse, including her wallet with her driver's license as well as other indentification.  My heart went out to her.

Shortly before it was our turn, a woman and her son discovered that they could not wait the entire time and kindly handed us their number.  I looked at the older couple behind us and whispered to Larry, "Let's give the number to them."

We did so, and they thanked us graciously.  It was a small thing, but made us feel good, knowing that we had saved them an hour or so wait.

I pondered on how one kindness prompts another.  A stranger gave us her number which we passed on to someone else.  What if we all did that, pass on a kindness with no thought of reward?  Like the movie PAY IT FORWARD, we could change the world, or, at least, our world.

So, for today, I am grateful for the kindness of a stranger.

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