Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 142, May 20

"Progress along the journey is measured by each step taken. And with each step comes growth regardless if the step was positive or a misstep. With those missteps you get to re-assess, re-learn, and try again. Those are good things. At the end of the day success comes by being active in the journey. Go take an extra step today."

I found this on my son Rob's Facebook posting.  It immediately tugged at something in me. 

Frequently, I am dogged by depression and its twin discouragement.  They pull me down, dragging me to places where I don't want to go.  Then I remember:  take one step, a baby step even, and start moving.  Just move.  Inevitably, I start to feel better, if only fractionally.

So, for today, I am grateful for Rob and his reminder to take an "extra step today."

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Jane, thank you for sharing the reminder :)
