Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 145, May 23

One morning I turned on my computer, went to AOL to look at my email, and found two comments on this blog.  I am always excited to read the comments, hoping my words had touched someone in some small way.

Well, my comments had touched someone, though not in a good way.  The unkind comments left by a former member of the family hurt and distressed me.  Why had this person felt it necessary to say those things?

An email conversation with my tech-savvy daughter resulted in the comments being deleted and this person being blocked from making further commets.

This is a rather long story to say that this was a wake-up call for me, to watch my own comments, whether on blogs, in email, or in person.  The old childhood saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me," was false 50 years ago and is still false.  Words hurt.

So, for today, I am grateful for those who use their words to build up rather than to tear down.


  1. My mother used to say that words hurt worse and longer than fists. That's not to say one should use fists...but over the course of my life I've found that comment to be spot on.

  2. My mother used to say that words hurt worse and longer than fists. That's not to say one should use fists...but over the course of my life I've found that comment to be spot on.
