Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 171, June 18

Finding something to write about each day isn't easy.  In fact, sometimes it's just downright hard.  My imagination and inspiration seem to have dried up.  Then, once again, the Lord puts something in my view and I know just what I should write.

This morning, as my husband and I were out, we saw young girls and their leaders (from our church)  gathered at a park.  They were waiting for everyone to arrive before they left for a four day girls' camp.

My first thought was, "Oh, I'm so glad I'm not a leader there."  (Does that let you know just what a lazy and selfish slug I am?)

Girls' camp is hard, at least for the leaders.  I have enough friends who have served at camp over the years to know just how hard it can be.  Yet, each year faithful women volunteer to mentor, guide, and teach these young women (12 - 18 years old).  These women have families of their own who require their attention.  Many have jobs outside of the home.  Some (like me) have aches and pains and the idea of sleeping in a sleeping bag or on a cot is a nightmare waiting to happen.

Yet, they do it.   They serve because they love the young women.  More, because they love the Lord.

So, for today, I am grateful for women who serve.


  1. Yes, it's wonderful to celebrate those women, but you're neither selfish nor lazy because you don't volunteer to be a camp leader. Your gifts are different from those women's, so you use them differently. I'm grateful for women who serve ... no matter what form that service takes.

  2. I'm glad that there are those willing to go on these camps. I'm just as happy to stay home and let Reynna have some time away from her mom.
