Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 168, June 17

"Often we want to be somwhere other than where we are, or even to be someone other than who we are.  We tend to compare ourseles constantly with others and wonder why wer are not as rich, as intelligent, as simple, as genrous, or as saintly as they are.  Such comparisons make us feel guilty, ashamed, or jealous ... We are unique human beings, each with a call to realize in life what nobody else can, and to realize it in the concrete context of here and now.

"We will never find happiness by trying to figure out whether we are beter or worse than others. We are good enough to do what we are called to do.  Be yourself!"--Henri Nouwen, from BREAD FOR THE JOURNEY

I found this passage in the beautiful and poignant book SHE SAID YES, The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall by Misty Bernall.

Cassie was one of the students killed in the Columbine, Colorado killings in 1999.  Her mother penned the book to tell Cassie's story.  Before her death, Cassie had undergone a transformation which had turned her thoughts, indeed, her life to Jesus Christ.

In her readings, Cassie underlined the above passage.  It obviously had meaning for this seventeen-year-old girl.  It also has meaning for this 62-year-old woman.  I have spent too much of my life comparing myself to others .. and always coming up short.  What a waste.

Maybe I should be comparing myself to myself, seeing if I've progressed any from last year, last month, last week.  And maybe I should stop comparing and just start doing.

Joy for today:  stop comparing and start doing.

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