Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 52, February 25

Even hundredfold grief is divisble by love.--Terri Guillemets

Do you know anyone who has not been touched by grief in some way? Grief over a child's rebellion? Grief over a parent's death? Grief over a betrayal? This mortal sphere is an imperfect one, with sorrow the flip side of joy.

I have known great grief. I have also known great joy. Would I recognize joy without having experienced the grief? I don't know.

But I do know that my grief is made bearable by the support and love of others. Chief among them are my husband, my children, my sister, my friends. They bear my burdens in countless ways. And then there is the Lord. He lifts me when I cannot lift myself. He carries me when I cannot carry myself.

This I know for sure: grief is inevitable, but love makes it bearable.

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