Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 220, August 6

Many times I avoid listening to the news, preferring not to hear of all the sad happenings in our world.  I know--that's immature,
childish even, to avoid hearing of all the atrocities, inhumanities, and simple meannesses going on.

Then I am reminded, usually by the acts of friends and family members, that there is goodness in the world.  There are kindnesses, such as that which I wrote of yesterday, and others that lift my spirits.

One such kindness was extended to me on my birthday last week when a friend "gave me a heart attack."  In this case, a heart attack was to "plant" red hearts all over my front yard with qualities written on them that this sweet friend saw in me.  (I told her she was reaching in many cases to think I had those attributes.)   The hearts were held up by plastic forks and appeared to my astonished eyes as a garden of red flowers.

It started my day with a happy and cheerful note, which carried through for days afterward.  And because my heart had been lifted, I resolved to try to do that for others, a case of serial kindness.

So, for today, I am grateful for the kindness of friends.

1 comment:

  1. That is seriously the coolest gift ever. How thoughtful and sweet of this friend. You should have taken a picture. I would have loved to see it.
