Friday, July 29, 2011

'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People
love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back....' - Maya Angelou

I love this quote. It reminds me that whatever is going on in my life, I can make a difference to someone else. With a word of praise. A touch. A smile.

Some people seem to do this instinctively. Others, like me, need a gentle reminder to look outside themselves and find a way to lift up another. Let me share with you some ways that friends have lifted me:

A young mother of seven, who is beyond busy, finds time to comment on this blog nearly every day. Her words of encouragement keep me going. Another friend, an inspirational writer, lifts people with her beautifully crafted words, offering hope and faith and compassion to her readers. In between writing books, she found time to knit my sister a prayer shawl at the time of her husband's death. Several friends in our church remember not only my birthday but also that of my sister whom they see only occasionally.

I could go on with examples of people who make kindness look easy, but I'll let your eyes rest. Doubtless, you have stories of your own of friends who touch your life in special ways.

So, for today, I am grateful for people who lift and uplift.

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