Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 54, February 27

Last weekend, Larry and I were fortunate enough to have two of our grandchildren, Reynna and Christopher, spend Saturday night and attend church with us on Sunday. We didn't do anything exciting. In fact, the children think I'm pretty boring. (True enough.)
The important thing is that we were together. On Sunday morning, there was no question that we would attend church. We had breakfast and dressed in our "Sunday clothes." Later that day, Larry and I took the children back to their parents. (That's the wonderful being about a grandparent--we can have the grandchildren and then can return them to their parents!)
I couldn't help but think of a recent conversation with a friend. She told me about her sister-in-law whose home boasted the sign "We don't do grandchildren here." That is certainly her privilege, her right.
But how much she is missing.
We do grandchildren at our home. We "do" them because we love them. We do them because they enrich our lives. We do them because family is important, in fact, the most important thing we have.
This I know for sure: my life would be poorer indeed without my grandchildren.


  1. There are things we don't "do" at our house either. Children will always be something we "do". That means I'll probably never have clean floors, windows, closets, etc. But so what? My priorities are different.

  2. Thank you for doing them. It's important and benefits everyone.
