Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 345, December 11

In my earlier years, I loved an ice cream named "Chocolate Ripple." Chocolate rippled through the vanilla ice cream in lovely waves, each one giving way to another stream of delightful chocolate.
Lately, I've been thinking about other ripples. Do you believe in a rippling effect, that one action begats another, then another, then another? Some people refer to this as the "butterfly effect."
I honestly don't know if the flutter of a butterfly's wings in Colorado can or will have an effect on someone or something in China, but it's fun to speculate on.
I do know, however, that one act of kindness (or unkindness) can and does have a rippling effect. In the post office one time, I complimented the clerk helping me on her quick and courteous service. I don't know if those words made her feel better. But they did make me feel better. I felt better about myself, that I had acknowledged the service that someone extended to me. And who knows? Perhaps those few words motivated her to compliment or thank someone else. And so on.
So, for today, I am grateful for chocolate ripples and the rippling effect.

1 comment:

  1. Jane,
    Thank you for this post, its really hit home with me and my current situation. I have seen first handedly that one decision can change people closest to us and therefor the ripple effect occurs. At times its not for the good. In seeing this in my own life and the choices I have made and others around me I have become more aware of this and want to be better and to fully understand that with each choice comes a reaction or consequences. Thank you for the post. I look forward to your blog daily. Thank you for always giving such great words of encouragement. I admire you and am so grateful to know you!!
    much love
