Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 351, December 17

"We're never so lost that our angels can't find us."--bumper sticker
Do you believe in angels. I hope so. I know I do. I believe in heavenly and earthly angels.
Chances are you can name many angels in your life. Who are they? A sister? Friends? Your mother? Your father? A favorite aunt? A member of your church? A stranger who helped you when you found yourself stuck at the side of the road when your car died?
Let me tell you of two dear friends who were angels when I most needed them. Fourteen years ago, my mother died in the early fall. My grief was so overwhelming that I stopped functioning for a while. At the same time, my husband's fledgling business was struggling, and money was scarce. Christmas was approaching, and I wondered how we were going to buy a few gifts for our five children.
Two weeks before Christmas, my two walking buddies, Tami and Marian, showed up one morning with a beautifully decorated box. They urged me to open it right then. With trembling fingers, I did so. Inside I found treasure after treasure: exquisite handmade cards complete with stamps, a variety of fine chocolates, and two angel pins.
My eyes filled with tears as I took in the very personal gifts. Each was chosen with care, with thought, with love.
Gifts don't make Christmas; love does. The love my friends showed me during what had promised to be a dismal season reminded me that angels were watching over me. These angels appeared in the guise of friends, dressed in sweats and sneakers, but their haloes were plainly visible.
Their loving gesture turned around my attitude. I found myself once again excited about Christmas, excited at the possibilities, excited by the reminder that Christ is always in my life and frequently shows His love through others.
So, for today, I am grateful for angels.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful post today. Brought tears to my eyes... You're gifted with words and a big heart, and clearly angel friends!
