Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 234, August 26

Miguel de Cervantes -- Tell me what company you keep, and I'll tell you who you are.

You can tell a lot about an individual by the people he claims as friends.  Who  am I comfortable "hanging around with?"  Who are you comfortable hanging around with?  If you have some really great friends, people who lift you up, people who make you want to try to be better than you are, then you are fortunate indeed.

As I related in a previous post, my husband and I traveled to Michigan last week to be with our son and his family for the occasion of our grandson Brigham's baptism.  Larry  was asked to give a talk and I was asked to play the piano.  (I had to smile when I imagined us reversing those roles as Larry doesn't play the piano and I am not a public speaker.)  Larry gave a beautiful about talk baptism, the Holy Ghost, and the Savior.  He repeated something I've heard him say numerous times, something I never tire of hearing:  "If you hang around with the Savior long enough, you can't help getting some of Him on you."

This was not meant as a throwaway remark, for if we hang around the Savior, if we seek His presence through prayer, if we emulate Him to any degree at all, we will be the better for it.

This I know for sure:  if I hang around with the Savior, I know I'm in good company.

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