Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 13, January 13

I believe in treats.  Treats for my children.  Treats for my grandchildren.  And, sometimes, treats even for me.        I was brought up by parents who believed in hard work followed by more hard work.  My sister and I were expected to study hard and to do well in school, but there were the occasional treats that brightened our days.

As a young mother, I carried on that tradition with treats such as a small toy from garage sales or a pastry from the thrift bakery.  (We were on a strict budget, after all.)  The children loved the toys and loved the pastries even more.  So did I.

These days, I try not to indulge in pastry treats, at least not too often, so I look for different kinds of treats. One of my favorites is, no surprise here, a book.  Reading is my passport to the world.  Other treats include talking on the phone with my sister for an hour, drinking my preferred flavored water (no calories), and going to lunch with a friend.

Sometimes we adults feel that we should not treat ourselves.  We tell ourselves that we should save our
money and time and energy for others. That's great.  But we shouldn't deny ourselves of the occasional treat.

Joy for the day:  indulging in a treat, whatever it is.

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