Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 342, December 8

Yesterday I wrote about the parable of the talents. As so often happens with my posts, it appears that I've not finished with the subject.
The older I get, the more I believe that we have a narrow view of talents. Perhaps we should expand the word talent to include other gifts, spiritual and emotional gifts.
Do you have a gift of listening? That is a talent. Do you have a gift of knowing the right word to say in a difficult situation? That is a talent. Do you have a gift of feeling the Spirit? That is a talent. Do you have a gift of acting on promptings of the Spirit? That is most definitely a talent.
I'm certain you can think of other such talents. Do you know someone who prays constantly? What more important talent could there be? Do you know someone who receives personal revelation? Do you receive it yourself? Another great talent.
So, for today, I am grateful for an expanded definition of talents.

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