Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 284, October 15

I have a plaque in my home that reads "The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

The simple words intrigue me for several reasons.  First, the writer in me approves the play on on words.  Second, and more importantly, the sentiment resonates within me.

On those days when  I have contributed nothing, created nothing, and served no one, I feel that I have no purpose.  Conversely, on those days, when I am busy--contributing, creating, and serving, I feel energized and filled with purpose.  This is certainly not unique with me.

All of us, whatever our age and circumstances, need to feel that we are making a difference--to our families, to our friends, to our communities, to our country, to our God.   Where we spend our time and efforts is not as important as the fact that we ARE spending time and effort for a worthwhile cause.

Finding that purpose  requires prayer and a willingness to look around us, to look outside of ourselves for a need that needs to be filled.  Recently, I started doing indexing for our church's genealogy efforts.  I stumbled in to this, and with the help of a son, am slowly finding my way through the computer program.  It's a relatively small thing but fills me with a sense of accomplishment.

This I know for sure:  finding purpose in life is not a luxury; it is as essential as breathing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. Without purpose in our lives and our actions, we are robbing our spirits of their native air.
