Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 298, October 29

I found a book titled THE ART OF ABUNDANCE by Candy Paull and was immediately captivated by the title.  As I read through it, I found many examples of abundance which I have up until now failed to recognize.  Let me share with you some of the author's thoughts on what abundant living consists of:

Abundance is ... a field of daisies.

Abundance is ... a lace tablecloth.

Abundance is ... walking across  a campus on a crisp fall day.

Abundance is ... the wind in the sails of a sailboat.

Small thing, to be sure.  Yet the recognition of them is huge.  I find that when I am aware of  and grateful for the small blessings in life, I also tend to be more aware of and grateful for the large blessings.

This I know for sure:  abundant living has less to do with the size of our bank accounts and more to do with the size of our gratitude.

NOTE:  For those who wondered why last Monday didn't have a post, it was because I saved it to draft rather than putting it on "publish mode."    I apologize for the laspe and have used what would have been last Monday's post here.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good and timely thought, no matter which week it comes.
