Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38, February 7

During the course of Larry's and my nearly 38 years of marriage (a miracle when you consider that I am only 29), I have backed various cars into Larry's car, our daughter's car, a fence, the garage door, and an apartment building wall--I was trying to avoid a bird in the parking lot.

Larry has always been very patient with my backing sins. Still, one day I felt the need to defend myself and pointed out that I had never hit a moving object. Without missing a beat, he replied, "That's because they can get out of your way."

My record almost changed yesterday as I drove home from church, with two of my grandchildren in the backseat. In preparing to change lanes, I did everything right: I switched on the turn signal, I checked both my rear view and side view mirrors. Yes, I did everything but the most important thing. I neglected to look over my shoulder to check my blindspot. Because of that mistake, I almost clipped another car. The driver gave me a justifiably sharp blast of his horn, and, at a very cautious speed, I continued on home.

I tend to think of blessings as things that did happen: an unexpected check in the mail, an acceptance on a short story, or, rarely a book, a raise in my husband's salary. How often, though, am I grateful for the things that didn't happen? The accident that I somehow avoided. The flu that swept through the community that our children didn't contract. These blessings are equally as sweet, equally as powerful as those of a more visible, tangible nature.

So, for today, I am grateful for the accident that didn't happen ... and for the Father's loving care in watching over me and my precious cargo

1 comment:

  1. One time I saw a man walking in the bike lane carrying a gas can. I was a little worried because it was a busy street. Since I was alone with my young children and no cell phone, I decided the best thing I could do was pray for him. I prayed that he would be safe, that he could fix his problem quickly, and that the rest of his day would go much more smoothly. I felt quite good about myself until the Spirit asked me if I would take away all of his blessings. I was puzzled until the Spirit impressed on my mind that he would be blessed by learning from the lessons of that day.

    Sometimes our blessings are obvious, and sometimes they look like an empty gas can.
