Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47, February 16

Recently, I watched part of a televised Red Carpet event. I know very few actors or actresses, couldn't identify who is who, but I like to see the fashions. The stars paraded in beautiful gowns, but one stood out from the others. Her dress had long sleeves, a high neckline, and reached to her ankles.

She shone in ways that the other actresses could not. I watched how she carried herself. Confident. Strong. Powerful. But without the provocative poses that seemed to be the norm for so many. I wondered if she knew what impact she made upon me, and, perhaps, others.

Hollywood fashions and standards trickle down to the general population, and many of us try to emulate the same look, uncaring that we may sacrifice modesty and dignity in our attempt. Modesty has largely fallen by the wayside as our culture embraces what the media dictates as fashion and style.

It saddens me when I see stores offering miniature versions of these looks for little girls and when I observe parents buying these fashions for their daughters. What are we teaching these impressionable children?

Some of the most beautiful girls and women I know dress with quiet good taste. Modesty does not prevent them from wearing flattering and stylish clothes. The book of Proverbs gives us a detailed description of a virtuous woman. One verse in particular stands out: "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come." Proverbs 31:25.

So, for today, I am grateful for women who adorn themselves with modesty, strength, and honour.

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