Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43, February 43

I like pennies. I like them for their fabled good luck. I also like them because they remind me of Abraham Lincoln. It is fitting that the penny, the humblest of coins, bears the likeness of Lincoln.

We all know of Lincoln's log cabin beginnings. Let's fast forward to his presidency. Contrary to what we might believe, Lincoln was not a popular president. Members of the Republican (his own) party and the Democrat party alike reviled him.

Lincoln devoted himself to saving America. Unlike politicians of today whose sole purpose seems to be that of self-aggrandizement and indulgence, Lincoln was a true statesman who worked to preserve the United States as a nation and then to heal the scars inflicted by the war.

When Lincoln was invited to the dedication of the Gettysburg Cemetery, he was not listed as the main speaker, an intentional slight by those in charge of the ceremony. Edward Everett delivered a 13,000 word oration which lasted over two hours. In contrast, Lincoln's dedicatory prayer took only a few minutes. Yet Everett's words are largely forgotten, while Lincoln's brief remarks continue to be quoted today. " ... of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

So, for today, I am grateful for pennies ... and for Abraham Lincoln.

1 comment:

  1. And for those humble enough to show up and do their bit whether the slight was intentional or not.
