Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42, February 11

Two days ago I wrote about recurring themes in this blog, including that of quilts and friends. One wise reader pointed out that another theme that made repeated appearances was that of creativity.

With that in mind, I decided to describe some creative friends. One friend is an expert in organization, organizing everything from papers to her family's appointments. Nothing escapes her notice. Another friend homeschools her seven young children. What energy and imagination that must take, to teach children of all different ages, making reading, history, and social studies come alive.

A woman in our church knows how to stretch a dollar. Her myriad of skills include canning everything from turkey to green beans, baking delectable whole wheat bread, and finding bargains others have overlooked. Still another friend possesses a dry sense of humor that makes her a delight to everyone fortunate enough to be with her. Other friends have turned their homes into havens for their grandchildren, turning once empty nests into places of fun and learning.

Like friends, creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. Too frequently we tend to limit our definition of what it means to be creative. Creativity is more a matter of the spirit than of the mind.

So, for today, I am grateful for friends who color outside the box.

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