Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 116, April 26

Yesterday I wrote about my grand-nephew who was having an operation to help correct his cleft palate. Today I'm happy to report that everything went well. Drew is a trooper and came through the operation and anesthesia just fine. When I learned the news, I knelt in prayer to thank my Father in Heaven for His tender mercies.

Tender mercies. Such a small, even humble phrase. Yet it reminds me of the many miracles that the Lord sees fit to bestow on each of us.

I wrote in an earlier post about tulips. When I saw them blooming in a profusion of red and yellow, I silently congratulated myself. A few moments later, I realized that I had nothing to do with it. It was the Father who produced the miracle. (Again, you would have to know the dirt that masquerades as soil that makes me use the word miracle for anything that manages to grow in our yard but weeds.)

A few days ago, I related the story of our kitty surviving her operation and returning to full health. Another miracle.

Tender mercies and miracles, both large and small, abound if I but take the time to look for them and to acknowledge the Lord's hand in each.

So, for today, I am grateful for tender mercies and miracles.


  1. I am grateful that our loving Father has touched our minds and hearts with the inspiration needed to accomplish such miracles as correcting cleft palate. I am so glad to hear that Drew is doing well. I hope he continues to recover quickly.

  2. I'm so glad the operation went well. We are all blessed countless times over with the Lords tender mercies.

  3. Jane,
    How lovely and gripping--"tender mercies and miracles!" We're thankful with you for Drew's successful surgery. TKS so much for your continual attitude of gratitude--and awesome reminders. :)
