Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 120, April 30

Tonight, my husband and I are attending dinner club. We have done this every month for years. In fact, this April marks the 28th anniversary of our dinner club.

A friend and her husband started it, inviting five other couples to participate. We rotate homes every month, with the host and hostess being in charge of the menu. Typically, they provide the main course and assign out such things as rolls, salads, desserts, etc.

We have seen each other through pregnancies, the births of babies, and illnesses. We have rejoiced over good news and grieved over sad news. Where once we shared pictures of children, we now share pictures of grandchildren. When a tragedy touches one of us, it touches us all. In many ways, we are closer than family.

Friendships have deepened, binding us together in ways that defy the winds of change. Gray hairs, wrinkles, and a few extra pounds nothwithstanding, we remain devoted to each other. Laughter over stories told many times peppers our conversations, along with a good deal of rueful acknowledgement that we can no longer remember those same stories the next month.

So, for today, I am grateful for old friends and the love we share.

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