Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 252, September 7

Earthly possessions dazzle our eyes and delude us into thinking that they can provide security and freedom from anxiety. Yet all the time they are the very source of all anxiety. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A few days ago I wrote about the car accident, resulting in totalling our '67 Mustang.  The car had sentimental value as my parents had given it to Larry and me over 20 years ago.  It is one of the few things I have from my parents. 

But, as I wrote in the previous post, the car means very little compared to having Hyrum's lovely wife Cara relatively unharmed.  How could a mere car compare to that?

You probably know people, just as I do, who are very wrapped up in their material possessions.  Sometimes this translates into an obsessive interest in their appearance, with much of their money going into personal adornment.  Sometimes it translates into buying a new car every year or constantly upgrading their house.  And sometimes it translates into hoarding every penny, never sharing or giving.

None of those things will bring happiness.  Pleasure, perhaps, but never happiness.

So, for today, I am grateful for reminders that early possesions can only dazzle and delude; they can never succor or sustain.

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