Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 279, October 6

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I grew up watching black-and-white television. I didn't mind--I didn't know anything else. I imagined the TV shows in color, wondering what Bonanza and other shows would look like in emerald green, ruby red, and sapphire blue.
Now I watch television on a high-definition screen. The colors are vivid, the resolution sharp, the pixels pixalating. (My husband is an engineer; resolution and pixels are important to him.)
I wonder what I would see if I viewed my life in high defiition. Would the high def illuminate my sins? Would the resolution be sharp enough to see the glaring errors in my behavior? I hope not. I hope that someone would put a cloth over the camera lens to soften the focus, to blur the lines of my hard heart and stubborn pride.
Isn't that what we all wish? That we could reduce the harsh aspects of our personalities? That we could work the magic of the camera men and make everyone look more lovely than they actually are?
Unfortunately, most of us have no such magic at our disposal. We make do with what we have. But there is Someone who can soften our hard hearts and gentle our stubborn pride. He can take our sins. He can change us--if we but allow Him to.
So, for today, I am grateful for the Savior, the ultimate camera man.

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