Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 297, October 24

Yesterday I wrote about using green corrective concealer. A disaster. When I discovered that it didn't work for me, I got rid of it, literally tossed it in the trash.
Why isn't it as easy to dispose of other things in my life that don't work? Why can't I dispose of my sins, my weaknesses, my selfishness, and other flaws by simply tossing them in the trash? Unfortunately, that seems to be beyond my capabilities.
Finding new behaviors to replace old ones that no longer work is difficult. It takes wisdom. It takes self-discipline. It takes hard work. These are all things that are in short supply, at least in life.
What is in your life that you'd like to replace? Do you have a problem with procrastination? Are you prone to entertaining negative thoughts? Does discouragement plague you? I wish I could wave a magic wand and make your problems (and mine) disappear.
Fortunately, we have a Friend who can take our sins and weaknesses unto Himself. He can't make them disappear, but He can give us the strength and faith and courage to overcome them.
So, for today, I am grateful for a Friend in Christ.


  1. It seems to me that a key component in you decision to throw it in the trash was an honest look in the mirror. Too often, I turn blind eye to the glaringly obvious.

    And shame on them for selling that gunk!

  2. WOW, there are so many things that I need to/want to/should replace in my life. If only I could be so bold as to just throw them away and replace them with something better, more worthwhile.
