Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 280, October 7

While visiting with a friend the other day, she told me a story that touched my heart. Please bear with me as I share it with you:
As my friend was shopping for Halloween costumes for her grandchildren at a thrift store, she saw an older woman struggle to try on coats. My sweet friend went to the lady's assistance, helping her try on one coat after another. After twenty minutes, they found a coat that was attractive, easy to get on, and cost only $3.00.
The little lady looked at my friend with beseeching eyes. "Do you have $3.00 you could give me?" she asked.
My friend had only a little money on her but went through her pockets and purse and discovered she had just enough to help out her new-found friend. "Here," she said and handed the lady all of her money.
After purchasing the coat, the woman turned to my friend and said, "I've never had anything so fine. Thank you."
We may consider this act a small thing; after all, it was only $3.00. But to this lady, it meant everything, and my friend was sensitive and generous enough to realize that.

So, for today, I am grateful for the example of a friend.

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