Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 287, October 14

A writer understands the importance of editing. After we compose the words, we go back and edit. We take out needless words and repetition. We check for spelling and grammar. We then look for inconsistencies in character and plot. Sometimes we end up throwing out whole pages or even chapters of books.
Editing is hard work. It involves painstaking attention to detail. It requires taking a hard look at the pages and deciding if they work together. Usually, writers have an editor who points out any mistakes they have missed.
I wonder what my life would look like if I edited it as ruthlessly as I edit my books. Would I take out needless things? Probably. Would I check for poor behavior? I hope so. Would I end up throwing out sins? I don't know.
Editing manuscript pages is a snap compared to editing a life. Pages don't talk back. They don't whine when I make necessary changes. In short, the pages cooperate far better than I do when I try to make changes in my life. Fortunately, I have an editor Who will help me make changes if I but let Him.
So, for today, I am grateful for the Master editor.


  1. Your right, the pages and words don't whine; I do.

  2. Great post Mom. Intersting thought about going back to edit my life. And you're right, our life and mistakes can be edited, with the help of the Savior. Lucky for us.
