Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 261, September 16


I saw this title in a bookstore, and it immediately caught my attention.  The fact is, a great many of us, myself included, are content to sit down when it comes to standing up to injustices and sins.  We are, if not happy, at least accepting of the wrongs that go on in the world around us.

Part of our unwillingness to stand up to sin is our desire to be politically correct.  If we say "This (whatever it may be) is wrong," we fear we will be perceived as narrow-minded.  In that case, let me be brave enough to be narrow-minded.

Part of our unwillingness to stand up to sin is the fear that we may hurt someone's feelings.  I abhor hurting the feelings of others, but occasionally it is necessary when that person presents sin as righteousness.  In that case, let me be brave enough to hurt another's feelings.

Part of our unwillingness to stand up to sin is fear.  I admit it:  sometimes I'm afraid to denounce a wrong act.  In that case, let me be brave enough to put aside my fears.

So, for today, I am grateful for those brave enough to stand up in a sit-down world.


  1. And for those who continue to stand up even when the sitters try to push them back into a chair.
