Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 101, April 14

Kind friends have volunteered to take me to physical therapy appointments. It is a sweet feeling to know that I can call on a friend and know she will be there for me. At the same time, I am struggling with the knowledge that I must ask for help.

For years, I took pleasure in giving rides to an older lady in our church who could no longer drive. We had fun together and enjoyed our errands, whether to the doctor or to the store. We laughed a lot and found we had much in common, despite the nearly 30 years that separated us.

Now I am on the other side of the equation, needing to ask for help. It has been a diffiuclt transition. I realize that my pride is standing in the way. Pride is frequently a bug-a-boo for me, keeping me from doing what I need to, keeping me from being what I want to be.

This I know for sure: pride is a cold companion; friendship is full of warmth.

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