Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 105, April 18

Chances are that you have heard about the media flap over a woman (foolishly) claiming that Ann Romney (wife of presidential candidate Mitt Romney) never worked. Because Mrs. Romeny chose to be a stay-at-home mother, this woman said that she had no idea of what it is to be a "working mother."


If this woman had gotten her facts straight, she would have known that Ann Romney raised five boys. Five. Any mother who has raised one, two, three, four, five, or more children is a working mother. I raised five children. Those years were among the best of my life. They were also among the busiest as I chauffered children to Little League, football practice, piano lessons, cub scouts, as I helped with homework, nagged over merit badge requirements, and attended PTA meetings.

Was I working? Oh, yes. I was working

This is not meant to be a debate over the virtues of working-outside-the-home mothers versus those of stay-at-home mothers. Decisions concerning that belong with a mother, father, and the Lord. No, that is only to state what should be obvious.

This I know for sure: every mother is a working mother.


  1. Yes, that was a foolish comment. And amen to "every mother is a working mother". Nothing truer was ever spoken.

  2. A foolish comment borne of ignorance. For the purposes of enlightenment, I invite Ms. Rosen to shadow me for a day, under the condition that she does nothing to slow me down. I have work to do.

  3. You are a pretty swell mother. And I am sorry if I ever made big messes with dirt and played with bugs and was extra loud. Just know that I am being paid back 10 fold by your grandsons.
