Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 132, April 25

(A note:  Blogger has changed its look and format.  I am trying to figure it out.  If posts occur on the wrong day, please forgive me.  What can I say?  I'm technologically challenged!)

A lesson at church on Sunday reminded women to be patient with themselves.  I appreciated this counsel as I struggle with patience, both with myself and with others.

A recent experience at physical therapy brought home the need for patience, especially with myself.  The therapist has had me using a weight machine, lifting and pushing increasing amounts of weight with my legs.  I had steadily progressed from 60 to 80 to 100 pounds and was feeling pretty good about it.  On that day, I had resolved to reach 120 pounds.

I managed two feeble repetitions and had to admit that I couldn't do any more  My kind therapist said not to push myself and took the weight back to 100 pounds.  Still, I was disappointed in myself, in what I perceived as my lack of progress.  Mentally, I castigated myself, using words I would never use to a family member or friend.  Why couldn't I accept that I am still recovering from a major operation and that it will take a while to get to where I want to be in terms of strength and endurance? 

This I know for sure:  patience is a gift from the Father; if I want to receive it and to give it, I need to find it for myself first.


  1. Yeah, I'm not thrilled with the changes with Blogger. Anyway, be patient with yourself. 100 pounds seems like a good thing.

  2. 100 pounds of dead weight is nothing to sneeze at. I know. I have to get MIna out of bed some mornings. . .
