Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 115, April 28

Everyday do something that you fear.--Eleanor Roosevelt

If you're like me, you put off doing the things that you fear.  A big one for me:  for a year, I put off having the surgery I knew I needed.  I put it off because I was afraid.  During that time, I was in pain, sometimes agony, and still I put it off.  Out of fear.

What else have I put off?

In my writing, I put off doing the hard work because I'm afraid of failing.  I put off contacting people who might be able to help me with my career.  I put off submitting a book because it will most likely be rejected.

In my personal life, I put off working on relationships that needed help.  I put off talking about hard stuff that needed to be talked about.  All out of fear.

This I know for sure:  putting off things out of fear doesn't make them--or the fear--go away.  It just prolongs it.

1 comment:

  1. Great comments Mom. So true for myself as well. The truth is, it is often just easier to put things off. Thanks for the reminder that the inevitable is just prolonged.
