Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 106, April 19

"The world heals from the outside in. The Lord heals from the inside out."--Gordon B. Hinckley, 15th Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What insight President Hinckley showed in this statement.

Have you noticed the proliferation of makeover shows on television? I admit it. I'm as intrigued by makeovers as anyone. Who among us doesn't want to look better? The only problem with these shows is that they focus on making over an individual's exterior or outside. The inside remains untouched.

What would happen if we made over our "insides?" Would we find greater charity? Would we find more peace? Would we discover that we have less need to impress others? And, if we were successful in this quest, would these changes show in our countenance?

I like to think so.

This I know for sure: true makeovers start from the inside.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Jane, but frankly it's the process that intimidates me. Have you seen the home makeover shows? Walls are knocked in, dust flying everywhere, and the fortunate family is evacuated to stay somewhere else for the duration. Oh ye of the port-a-potty in the front yard know what I'm talking about. If I make over my insides, I can't evacuate, and neither can my family. This I know for sure: like my Mom always said, you have to get in to a mess to get out of one.
