Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 153, June 5

How do the red giants remain standing with such shallow roots? They grow together in clumps, intertwining their roots with others as far away as two hundred feet. Each one is an individual beauty, yet connected with the others for survival. Even the tallest trees are held up by the smallest ones. By holding hands underground, they hold each other up in the storms of life.

In previous blogs, I've written about friends standing together, arms linked, against the storms of life.  Never have I been more aware of this than in this last year.  I've watched friends watch over each other, upholding each other, and, sometimes, in my case as I recovered from hip replacement surgery, holding each other up.

Some of us aren't particularly talented, yet we reach out in any way we can.  Some of us have little extra strength in reserve, yet we give what we can.  And some of us just give because a friend is in need..  Some dear friends in our church have endured much in the past 18 months.  Friends gathered around them, circling them much as pioneers drew their wagons in a protective circle.  I marvel at the generosity I've wittnessed, the total unselfishness of those who gave with no desire for recognition, only a desire to help.

Like the redwoods with their shallow roots, we connect, each little bit of help strengthening and enriching another. 

This I know for sure:   the redwoods survive because they rely on each other; friends do the same.

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