Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 170, June 22

"An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it."--James A. Michener

In school, when we studied the Dark Ages, I wondered what would possess people to act as they did, with cruelty, without regard to human decency and rights.  It wasn't until I was much older that I realized those years were so utterly dark because the light of Christ had been withdrawn from the earth.   He withdrew it because the people refused to look up and see it.

In my own life, I am beginning to make the same connection.  When I am filled with the light of Christ, I feel optimistic, productive, charitable.  When I eschew that light, when I actively push it away, I feel lonely, depressed, afraid.   Why I hadn't made this connection earlier is, I'm afraid, a testatment to my own stubborn and willful nature.

The light of Christ is available to all.  Imagine the indescribable difference in our world if we all embraced the light of Christ.  What kind of world would we have:  one of happiness, joy, intelligence, compassion, beauty, kindness, etc.

This I know for sure:  when we walk in the light, we are on our path back to the Father. When we dwell in the darkness, we are on the path to His adversary.

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