Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 185, July 7

"I think women need kindness more than love.  When one human being is kind to another, it's a very deep matter."  -- Alice Childress

I have many regrets in my life.  For things I've done.  For things I haven't done.  But never have I regretted a kindness extended.  I have never considered extendinng kindnesses a waste, either of time or effort or funds. 

What I do regret, however, are those times when I witihheld a kindness, when I was too busy, too lazy, too selfish to lift another.  And do we all not need a lift occasionally?  I know I do.  An unexpected phone call, a card in the mail, a kind word, all of these brighten my day and my spirit.  And when my spirit is brightened, I am more able to give to others.  We might call it serial kindness.

This I know for sure:  kindness is contagioius.  And, unfortunately, so is unkindness.

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