Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 129, May 12

Yesterday I wrote about the twists and turns of life, more specifically what happens when life turns out differently than you'd planned.
Today, in a different kind of twist, I'd like to turn that upside down and explore what happens when your life does turn out as you'd planned.

It is a humbling thing to find out that you have what you thought you wanted and realize that you didn't want that thing after all.  It falls under the category of "Be careful what you wish for."

Have you ever wished for something only to find out that it's not what you wanted?  I have.  Probably most of us have.  Sometimes, it's little things.  Sometimes, it's big things.  Either way, we struggle with the disappointment of unmet expectations, unfulfilled longings.

I tend to rail and rant when I am confronted with such results.  When I'm able to gather together some maturity and insight, I move on to other things, hopefully things that hold richer and more eternal happiness.

This I know for sure:  life is full of possibilities.  What matters is what we do with them.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mom. Your words are causing me to stop and think, pray and ponder.
