Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 138, May 21

Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. -- Corrie ten Boom

A dear friend, also a writer, sent this quote to me, knowing that it would resonate with me.   This morning, I found myself praying silently as I went about my day, thanking the Father for His blessings, then asking for His continued blessings upon friends and family who are struggling..  It occurred to me, certainly not for the first time, how unbelievably fortunate I am, indeed, how fortunate we all are, that we can turn to the Father at any time, at any place.

What a precious gift this is.  I honestly wonder how individuals who do not pray, who perhaps do not even believe in God, manage to get through an hour, much less a day, a week, a month, a lifetime.  How do they navigate their lives without the anchor of knowing that God is there, will always be there?

My prayers are not the eloquent ones we sometimes hear uttered in church or at a large assembly.  Instead, they are very personal conversations, directed to the One who knows all.  I talk with the Father as I would a dear friend, all the while knowing that He is aware not only of my needs but of those of everyone.

This I know for sure: prayer is as necessary as breathing.  Without it, I would cease to exist.

1 comment:

  1. I worry sometimes about the repetitious nature of my prayers. They often begin, "Dear Father, I've been such an idiot. . .". It's not vain repetition, though, because it's true!
